I intended to spend as much of the 2019 field season as possible in Vermont exploring calcareous habitats and bogs for their unique flora. That changed in March when I bought land and refocused on observing that place deeply through the seasons. It was incredibly rewarding!
I did manage a couple interesting side trips and some volunteering.
- Bought 6 acres of forest in NH & began a biological survey
- Found a new (to me) ephemeral: Squirrel Corn
- Completed three plant conservation volunteering surveys & located all three populations
- Found two new (to me) orchid species: Yellow Coralroot and Broad-lipped Twayblade
- Re-found a rare orchid hybrid Platanthera x keenanii I unknowningly found years ago
- Found an odd mutant orchid
- Submitted records of four other observations the state might be interested in to VPRS
- Co-lead my first official nature walks with Earthwise Aware in September and November
- Made and uploaded 1954 new observations to iNaturalist, for an all-time total of 3008
- 665 species confirmed Research Grade