I feared that the ridiculous cold snap on Saturday would have killed off the trillium, but they are thriving:

Clintonia buds are out!
Purple-fringed bog orchids are up! I wouldn't recognize them, but I know the spot from last year:
Yellow coral-root orchids are also peeking up!
Trailing arbutus is finally properly blooming! I wish I could share the scent with you:
Goldthread are in bud everywhere, but this was the one and only cluster that were in bloom
Sessile-leaved bellflower petals are finally starting to spread:
Bunchberry leaves are emerging. Last year's are flattened below:
Deer! I just love having a trail cam. I added a second, high-quality one this week!
I saw the great blue heron! I wish I'd gotten a photo, but I think we startled each other. Here are the tracks though: